martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Top 10 Best War Games

Top 10 Best War Games

  Hi friends of T&G, n
o doubt the war games are among the most exciting games, here is a list of the 10 best war games:

1 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

It has an amazing storyline, and the graphics at the time were brutal. But the storyline was what really made it my favorite.

Better story, graphics and weapons

2 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Great game. Good work Activision. Great climax, good gameplay, everything make this game better good game that is.

Call of Duty is most realistic game I've ever played... a games success lies in the enemies intelligence

Great Game.

3 Call of Duty: Black Ops
With a perfect graphic and perfected gameplay and best soundtrack "welcome to the family" of avenged sevenfold

Its graphics are pro, and the multiplayer games are the best, but most of all its got really cool new maps

Awesome game.good story and features. awesome weapons and overall graphics.

4 Medal of Honor Frontline

The main menu music is unforgettable...
This was my first PS2 game for me. Ill never forget it

This was the first shooter I ever played and it set my expectations for other shooters really high. 8.5/10


5 Medal of Honor

Call of Duty and Medal of Honor are some of the greatest games ever, they both have a lot in the series and they are all great games. If you have not played these games play them now.

6 Battlefield 2

Despite the fact that it's a sequel, Battlefield 2 is a thrilling action game that immerses you in the chaos of combat like never before.


7 Battlefield 3

In the realm of online combat, Battlefield 3 provides thrills that few games can match.

8 Medal of Honor (1999)

The father of all of them, one of ps1's greatest ever games, and possibly the greatest shooting game in ps1 history. So many levels to play, beautiful soundtracks. Some of the levels in this were incredible! One which included the factory of the V2 rocket. Directed and game story written by Steven Spielberg. Fantastic game which will never get old.


9 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

How do y'all not think this is amazing?! Same as Black ops?! The campaign is not as good as Black Ops, but the online play is just as good! I guess that's just my opinion...

I got this game for Christmas and when I started playing I played it all night its amazing

The game is best, I do like black ops too but modern warfare is way better, looking forward to Call of Duty mw 4 

10 Medal of Honor: European Assault

The game's wide-open levels actually encourage players to explore, giving the series a fresh feel compared to past games. Unfortunately, a very brief campaign and no online multiplayer means the fun doesn't last long.

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